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CPAC Teatro de minorias y gestos de conservadores...

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CPAC Teatro de minorias y gestos de conservadores... Empty CPAC Teatro de minorias y gestos de conservadores...

Mensaje por Charlie319 Dom Mar 17, 2013 1:45 pm

Ciertamente CPAC se ha convertido en una convencion de Libertarios y con la presencia de la falange cubana personificada por Al Cardenas y el Candidato Rubio, un modelo de las politicas de la derecha floridiana/Batista que busca cooptar el voto hispano como si en realidad tal cosa existiera a la hora de repartir el botin del poder... Alguien me puede decir cuantos altos funcionarios del gobierno de Villaraigosa (Ciudad de Los Angeles) que son hispanos no son de origen Mexicano???? Cuantos de los gobiernos de Maurice Ferre no eran Cubanos???? Sencillamente tenemos una serie de satrapas etnicos tratando de jalar a sus similares para treparse a algun trono... Pero vayamos al tema... CPAC... En esta ocasion el aparente coordinador es un cubano de nombre Al Cardenas. Este lacayo del ala corporativista del GOP (Alguien tiene que pagar el alto costo de sus conciencias) ha alineado una serie de oradores serios como lo son Sarah Palin, Scott Walker, Tom Fitton, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Dr. Ben Carson en contraste con una serie de desconocidos como Art Linares (Senador de Conneticut), Steven Crowder; y la sarta de oportunistas politicos como Newt Gingrich, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Bobby Jiindal, Mitch McConnel, Rick Perry, Rand Paul, Paul Ryan, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey y otros... Entre ellos mezclados algunos oradores de etnias para darle color al festejo... Por lo menos dejaron fuera a Christie que no es mas que un democrata billetudo... En fin, en vez de CPAC, deberia de llamarse "Cepillo-fest pues parecen estar los precandidatos hacinedo sus entrevistas ante los contribuyentes e inversionistas politicos a ver quien esta dispuesto a arrastarse mas por sus pesitos...

Entre todo ese lodazal han brillado Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, y Srah Palin... Incluso Steve King lanzo un reto a los liberales a que vayan a vivir a aquellas areas que han deconstruido... Se pueden imaginar a Bloomberg viviendo en el centro de Detroit? Ya sabemos que Villaraigosa no solo no vive an medio de "su gente, o como les gusta llamarse a si mismos; "La Raza", sino que vive en Brentwood (Comunidad hecha famosa por OJ Simpson) y que tuvo un problema por que queria eregir una verja de ladrillo para mantenerlo aun mas aislado de los ciudadanos sobre los cuales rige...

Ann Coulter dio tremendo discurso, al igual que Donald Trump en el tema de la inmigracion ilegal y el impacot que eso tendra en la economia... No nos hagamos los ilusos... Si estuvieramos legalizando a los propietarios de TELMEX, Cerveceria Modelo, o Bimbo, quizas estariamos ganado alguno que otro voto conservador... Pero Pepe el barrendero y Paco el jornalero son fanaticos del cuponeo y el mantengo y por lo tanto jamas votaran por un gobierno fiscalmente responsable y mucho menos uno conservador.

El ganador de el "Poll" de CPAC fue Rand Paul demostrando que GOP-INC va a usar a los Libertarios como contrapeso para mantenerse en el poder, aunque este sea tenue dentro del partido y continuar enviando candidatos serviles asus intereses aunque pierdan votantes entre la victoria de la candidatura y el dia de las elecciones presidenciales como le paso a Mitt Romney que vio evaporarse unos 8 millones de votos conservadores por haber cambiado posturas entre esas dos fechas en temas como lo son el presupuesto, la amnistia a los ilegales y el manejo de las corporaciones cuando cometen delitos...

Esto no es mas que el primer campanazo en la carrera para el 2016, y una primera llamada para las elecciones del 2014... Todavia es temprano, pero podemso ver a los Adelson's del GOP haciendo fila para comprar uno que otro candidato... Cual de ellos obrara en principio y consecuencia de los valores del elector conservador??? Solo el tiempo lo dira.

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CPAC Teatro de minorias y gestos de conservadores... Empty Re: CPAC Teatro de minorias y gestos de conservadores...

Mensaje por Charlie319 Dom Mar 17, 2013 1:57 pm

CPAC Teatro de minorias y gestos de conservadores... FxeZVTP7w0E

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Location : En el medio del Imperio

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CPAC Teatro de minorias y gestos de conservadores... Empty Re: CPAC Teatro de minorias y gestos de conservadores...

Mensaje por Charlie319 Lun Mar 18, 2013 10:27 am

Sarah Palin’s CPAC Speech Trashes Establishment GOP, Calls Obama Liar, Reality Star

by Garrett Quinn | 1:07 pm, March 16th, 2013

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin delivered the most scathing and electric rebuke of President Obama at CPAC yet by calling him a liar along with a litany of other one liner insults during her lunchtime address that repeatedly brought the crowd to its feet. Later in her speech Palin unleashed her wrath on Karl Rove and the assorted political consultants that she so despises.

After being introduced by Senator Ted Cruz in a surprise appearance, Palin unleashed a laundry list of zingers in Obama’s direction on guns, criticizing calls for a ban assault weapons and expanded background checks.

It’s not about the bad guys, it’s all about the led. That chunk of metal solely did the crime,” she said, snarkly ripping the president’s gun proposals.

“That’s like saying that pork made me fat,” Palin said, moving quickly to her next zinger.

More Background checks? Dandy idea Mr. President, should have started with yours,” Palin said to roaring laughter.

Palin trashed Obama for his nearly all of his policies from guns to the budget to “free Obamaphones and prophylactics.” At one point she ripped Obama’s budgetary practices, calling him a liar and echoing Congressman Joe Wilson‘s 2009 outburst. “Barack Obama promised the most transparent administration ever. Barack Obama, you lie!”she said, again drawing applause and cheers.

At one point Palin, a former reality TV star, ripped Washington as a whole for lacking “leadership” and being a “reality television show.”

Some of her other zingers:

“We don’t have leadership coming out of Washington. We have reality television.”

“He’s got the rifle, I got the rack.” When referencing a gun rack gift for her husband, Todd.

“Remember No drama Obama? Now it’s all drama Obama.”

My advice to college kids is: You gotta be thinking Sam Adams not drinking Sam Adams.

After she completed her thorough trashing of the president she took a dig at New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg by drinking a big gulp on stage and expressing her disgust at the soda band that he attempted to implement.

Still, she was not done as the consultant class and Karl Rover were next in her line of fire. Palin delivered a scathing rebuke of the failed 2012 presidential campaign of Mitt Romney without mentioning him or any of the consultants involved by name just saying that they continue to make millions even though they repeatedly lose elections.

If these experts keep losing elections keep raking in millions, if they feel that strongly about who should run in this party they should buck up and run or stay in the truck. The architects can head on back to the Lone Star State and put their name on the ballot,” she said in a clear reference to Rove.

This was Palin’s second CPAC appearance.

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Join date : 10/08/2012
Location : En el medio del Imperio

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CPAC Teatro de minorias y gestos de conservadores... Empty Re: CPAC Teatro de minorias y gestos de conservadores...

Mensaje por Charlie319 Lun Mar 18, 2013 10:32 am

Steve King: Undocumented Immigrants Are 'Undocumented Democrats'

Representative from Iowa says a pathway to citizenship is Republican suicide.

posted on March 16, 2013 at 1:46pm EDT

Evan McMorris-Santoro BuzzFeed Staff

NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. — Rep. Steve King has no time for the talk of Republican evolution on immigration.
The long-time opponent of comprehensive reform told a panel sponsored by at CPAC Saturday that Republicans getting behind a pathway to citizenship — a component of reform supported by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and others — would essentially mean the GOP signed its own death warrant.

"Even Republicans seem to think that these undocumented Democrats could be made [GOP] voters," King said, "and what happens is that two out every three that would be legalized [and] become Democrats. And it's not 12 million. It's more like 20 million."

"But it isn't just the equation of 2/3 of over 20 million that will vote for the guy who opposes our conservative candidate whoever that might be, but it's also those who will leave us if we fail them," King said, adding, "We have to go back and tie together and restore the pillars of American exceptionalism and the rule of law is is essential."

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Location : En el medio del Imperio

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