Careo Boricua
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Orden de cambio Empty Orden de cambio

Mensaje por Boriquesazo Vie Nov 16, 2012 9:37 am

Orden de cambio

16 de noviembre de 2012 - Opinión, Política, Puerto Rico - Luis Dávila Colón, Analista de noticias y abogado

“Las colonias, una vez se quiebran, no vuelven a ser las mismas y están destinadas a su extinción”

Cuando se asiente el polvo del plebiscito electoral del año 2012, el movimiento estadista y las generaciones futuras tendrán una deuda de gratitud con el gobernador saliente, Luis Fortuño. Bajo su incumbencia, por primera vez en la historia una mayoría absoluta rechazó 520 años de subordinación y de relaciones políticas coloniales y emitió una tajante orden de cambio de la relación política actual.

Ese innegable e inescapable legado está ya marcado en los libros, aunque el Régimen Popular intente taparlo con una capucha de invisibilidad tipo Harry Potter y borrarlo con sus pinceladas de tinta china. Podrán retrasarlo, pero jamás pararlo.

La historia es lenta, caprichosa y voluntariosa. Nunca camina a la velocidad y al tiempo que queremos. Pero camina. Lentamente, paso a paso, avanza siempre dejando huella. A veces, raras veces, se acelera. Y esas aceleraciones son propulsadas por la acumulación de muchos pequeños logros, retrocesos, avances y remontadas que en un momento dado nos parecieron lentos. Como decía el poeta, 20 años son nada en el largo devenir del Universo.

Los gobiernos podrán ir y venir, entrar y salir, pero las colonias, una vez se quiebran, no vuelven a ser las mismas y están destinadas a su extinción. Este primer y fundamental paso en nuestro largo camino liberalizador, es el peldaño que necesitaba este pueblo para registrar en el Congreso un mandato oficial de cambio.

Como apunté aquí la semana pasada, los estadistas cometerían un terrible error en interpretar estos resultados como una solicitud de Estadidad. No lo es. Lo que sí es, es una abrumadora orden expresa de cambio. El 54% de los participantes en la elección, cerca del millón, declaró su repulsa al Estado Libre Asociado colonial. Ahí están los números para probarlo. De 1,840,000 papeletas, 1,324,519 votos (74%) expresaron preferencia por fórmulas no coloniales ni territoriales. Solamente 472,674 votos (26%) se abstuvieron de indicar preferencia. Si eso no es apabullante, que venga Dios y lo vea.

Tanto da el agua en el cántaro, hasta que lo rompe. El ELA perdió toda su legitimidad de ser una relación política avalada por el consentimiento de los gobernados. El tracto plebiscitario de 60 años lo dice todo. El apoyo de 82% obtenido por la Ley 600 en el año 1951, mermó a 61% en el plebiscito del 67, a 48% en el plebiscito del 93, y ahora a 46% en el plebiscito del 2012. Ese es el lento devenir de la historia. La segunda Ley de Termodinámica en acción. Pura entropía. Como decía el insigne poeta Juan Antonio Corretjer: “En la vida todo es ir a lo que el tiempo deshace…”

Digo que sería un error interpretar estos resultados como un mandato por la Estadidad por dos razones fundamentales. Primero, por que el País votó contradictoriamente y no eligió un gobierno estadista dispuesto a luchar, cabildear e invertir para avanzar en el Congreso ese mandato. Pensar que se puede obtener un voto congresional a favor de la Estadidad en los próximos cuatro años, teniendo al Partido Popular a cargo del Ejecutivo y con el poder de la bolsa es pensar en pajaritos preña’os. Y segundo, por que si bien es cierto que la Estadidad sacó el 61% de las opciones descolonizadoras obtenidas, no es menos cierto también, que una cuarta parte del electorado prefirió guardar silencio y no es hasta que se celebre un plebiscito congresional entre la Estadidad y la soberanía, que fue lo que llegó atrás, que no tendremos números más concretos y más autoejecutables, no susceptibles a excusas ni a malas interpretaciones en el Congreso.

¿Quiere decir eso que los anticolonialistas nos vamos a cruzar de brazos? Claro que no. Los mandatos democráticos mayoritarios se respetan y la orden de cambio va a ser ejecutada más tarde que temprano. Esos contundentes resultpongan en vigor el plan descolonizador del Comité Interagencial del presidente Obamados de la victoria del ‘No’, tienen que ser remitidos a Casa Blanca y al Congreso con el pedido de esta Legislatura, para que allá con la orden de cambio que ha dado el Pueblo,a por encima del obstruccionismo y del sabotaje del PPD.

Eso permitirá sentar la tónica del debate y sentar las bases parlamentarias para el próximo paso que debe ser la correspondiente acción congresional. Todo lo que se avance ahora, es terreno que no tendremos que recorrer después.

No debemos desmerecer el logro del sector estadista. Fue un gobierno estadista el que rompió el huevo del ELA y forzó el issue. Los llamados independentistas, exceptuando el PIP, corrieron a votar melón. La Estadidad rebasó el 50% por primera vez, luego de haber estado estancada en 46% por décadas. El por ciento de penepés que votó estadista subió a casi 90%. Por primera vez el ELA fue atacado en un plebiscito. Esa campaña educativa hecha contra viento y marea por grupos cívicos, redundó en victoria. Se comprobó efectivamente, que la Estadidad la traerán grupos cívicos, en alianzas con el sector civil y no los mamones del PNP.

Finalmente, las fuerzas anticolonialistas tienen que revestirse de paciencia y conocer la historia. En Estados Unidos los movimientos anticoloniales terminan prevaleciendo, pero el proceso de movilizar al Congreso es uno lento. A las Filipinas le tomó 25 años y una Guerra Mundial por el medio el independizarse. A Alaska y Hawaii les tomó al menos seis Congresos lograr sus actas de admisión. A las Islas del Fideicomiso del Pacífico les tomó cerca de 15 años lograr sus tratados. A los afroamericanos les tomó un siglo después de su emancipación el llegar al trato igual. La liberación femenina es un proceso reivindicador que todavía está en marcha y el de la comunidad gay está rompiendo barreras en pleno repunte.

Lo que importa en todo esto, es que se rompió monte. La emancipación y la reivindicación han comenzado con esta orden de cambio y no hay nada, pero nada, que pueda hacer el PPD para evitar que logremos su resolución…


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Mensaje por Chemo Vie Nov 16, 2012 11:40 am

Como casi siempre Davila Colon dando en el clavo!!!No importa las interpretaciones cantinflescas y las tergiversaciones que le quiera dar el PPD a esta consulta hay 3 cosas irrefutables

1.La estadidad saco su mejor % en la historia y vencio abrumadoramente a el ELA COLONIAL con 61% de aprobacion

2.El pueblo pide un cambio sobre el ELA con 54%

3.El proceso de descolonizacion va a comenzar ya aunque tarde lo que tarde , y eso no lo puede detener mas el PPD

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Mensaje por Obatala Vie Nov 16, 2012 12:52 pm

Lo que hace falta es que pongan un proceso dpara votar Independencia o Estadidad... Vas a ver como la estadidad pierde.

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Mensaje por Charlie319 Vie Nov 16, 2012 2:39 pm

Contra el 2.5% del voto que es pipiolo????

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Mensaje por Boriquesazo Vie Nov 16, 2012 3:45 pm

Obatala escribió:Lo que hace falta es que pongan un proceso dpara votar Independencia o Estadidad... Vas a ver como la estadidad pierde.

Dudo mucho que eso sea el caso. Como bien dice el artículo, ELA continua debilitándose, mientras la estadidad continua cogiendo fuera. Mira esto.

En 1993, con una participación de 1,700,990, ELA actual obtuvo 826,326, la Estadidad obtuvo 788,296, mientras que la Independencia obtuvo 75,620.

En este plebiscito, donde acudieron 1,863,861, el ELA actual obtuvo 816,000, la Estadidad obtuvo 824,284, y la Independencia obtuvo 74,855.

Al haber 163,000 más personas votando, se supone que todas las alternativas aumentaran. Eso no fue el caso. Por el contrario, se debilitaron ELA y la Independencia y la Estadidad creció. Claro, no se puede negar el logro del ELA soberano, pero hay que ver cuantas de esas personas votaron por el ELA soberano porque dice ELA y por los llamados a derrotar a Fortuño en todas las papeletas. Fueron muchos, de hecho, los que votaron Si y ELA soberano.

Y todo eso es asombroso considerando la abstención masiva de PNPs y el crecimiento del PPD en comparación con las elecciones pasadas.

Quizás hace 40 años hubieses tenido la razón, pero entiendo que el número de estadistas y estadolibristas de derecha ha crecido al punto que cualquier elección entre Estadidad v. Independencia resultaría en una victoria abrumadora de la Estadidad.


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Mensaje por MarlboroMan(aka Lexus) Vie Nov 16, 2012 10:28 pm

Obatala escribió:Lo que hace falta es que pongan un proceso dpara votar Independencia o Estadidad... Vas a ver como la estadidad pierde.

son cosas asi que me hacen decir de ustedes independentistas: que se estan fumando?????

dime en la historia electoral moderna de Puerto Rico, que el movimiento independentista es mas de 5% del electorado y mucho menos la mayoria??????
MarlboroMan(aka Lexus)
MarlboroMan(aka Lexus)

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Mensaje por Chemo Dom Nov 18, 2012 11:13 am

MarlboroMan(aka Lexus) escribió:
Obatala escribió:Lo que hace falta es que pongan un proceso dpara votar Independencia o Estadidad... Vas a ver como la estadidad pierde.

son cosas asi que me hacen decir de ustedes independentistas: que se estan fumando?????

dime en la historia electoral moderna de Puerto Rico, que el movimiento independentista es mas de 5% del electorado y mucho menos la mayoria??????

Bueno si pusieran una consulta estadidad vs independencia obviamente la estadidad ganaria por KO...eso lo sabe cualquiera!!!Pero estos independentistas tienen todas sus esperanzas (bien pendejas) de que EEUU va a negarle la estadidad a PR convirtiendo a PR en el primer territorio americano en su historia que le niegan la estadidad aunque llevemos 114 años siendo territorio americano y que hayan casi 9 millones de boricuas con ciudadania americana , varios congresistas boricuas y una juez en el Tribunal Supremo de EEUU que fue elegida por el mismo Congreso americano que nos negaria la estadidad...estos independentistas apuestan que al negarnos la estadidad vendria la independencia por DEFAULT!!!...jajajajajajajajjajajajaja....eso lo explico Capicu en una ocasion y el mismo PIP y la guerrilla de independentistas de PR creen en ese pensamiento..aunque sea la idea mas pendeja que pueda tener una persona!!!

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Mensaje por Obatala Mar Nov 20, 2012 9:18 am

Mis arrastrados pitiyankis con mentalidad de "Welcome Mat" y autoestima de vidrio, una cosa es decir que ahi viene el lobo y otra es verlo llegar... Maxime cuando una buena cantidad de los gringos no desea agregar a su poblacion lo que perciben como una turba de vagos, borrachones, maricones, tecatos y bellacos... Ante tales injurias y desprecio, esperamos que a mas de un arrastrao le nazca un poquito de amor propio y de patria y mande pa'l carajo a las ideas imperialistas de la estadidad.

Loud, Crime-Infested and Endlessly Sassy: Is Puerto Rico Truly Ready to Become America’s 51st State?
by Stephenson Billings - on Nov 8th 2012

Amidst all the hoopla surrounding Barack Obama’s reelection Tuesday night, one occurrence has gone largely unnoticed. Yet it is dramatic political feat that could have far-reaching consequences for the future of the United States. The island territory of Peurto Rico has formally voted to become America’s 51st state. In true Peurto Rican fashion, it wasn’t really a request but rather a loud, bossy demand. This is the first time in the territory’s history that they’ve approved such a measure. In past referenda, they have actually expressed an interest in severing ties with the U.S. to become an independent sovereign nation.
Orden de cambio Puertoricanrampage-215x300
But who are the Peurto Ricans? Are they ready to become our nation’s newest state? And are we, as Americans, truly ready to make these colorful Spanish-speaking islanders part of our national fabric?

Peurto Rico is a lush Caribbean island that has been under United States protection for over 70 years as an “unincorporated territory.” It relies on the goodwill of America for its very existence. Being next door to communist Cuba, our military is essential for its survival. Having a massive crime and poverty rates, federally-funded welfare programs are vital for its needy. Much like Guam or the Virgin Islands, it was seen as a place that was too small and unreliable to govern itself independently. With utmost compassion, the American people made a commitment to care for the chaotic, reckless natives in this far-oft land for generations.

The Peurto Rican people are a confusing mix of black, Latino and aborigines (the Taino people). They have dark skin and are, on average, of shorter height than normal Americans. Their hair is worn in either short, kinky Afro style or straightened in long, luxuriant strands of black. They’re drawn to the bright colors of their island flag and most wear red clothing daily. “PRs,” as they like to be called, are a very musical people. In their cars, on the streets and in their homes, they listen to a constant stream of brassy, bassy ethnic songs at ear-splitting levels. Whether it’s fusion jazz or Latino hip-hop, one only need follow the loud thumping music to ferret out a group of PRs.

On a personal level, the Peurto Ricans can be quite cheerful and surprisingly talkative. Spanish is their native language, though many have a rudimentary grasp of English (particularly when it comes to words like “money,” “good times” and “back door”). If you engage a PR in conversation, it can literally take over an hour to extract yourself from their presence. Arguments are a favorite pastime. No matter what subject you’re talking about, they’re likely to get quite loud and throw up their arms while standing aggressively close. Their passionate nature can be ascribed to their Latino heritage, and their hypersexualized character comes from being a sheltered island people. Indeed, PRs often see arguments as foreplay before hardcore sexual intercourse.

The men preen for their erotic role in PR society with smooth, finely sculpted bodies and delicately soft skin. They prefer to walk the streets shirtless. The women are buxom and prone to bikini tops and tight jean shorts. Often, the girls are the aggressors pursuing males with shocking catcalls and heavy makeup. Intercourse between the two tends to involve a great deal of “dirty talk” followed by discussions of marriage (even between grunts and moans, the Peurto Ricans are world class talkers!). There is even a preponderance of homosexual male-on-male encounters among the men, in dark public bathrooms and on menacing jungle paths. These scenarios are sweaty and fast, with little affection after the fact.

The sexual component of Peurto Rico is an important factor for us to consider and has contributed to their interest in statehood. When the island first became an American protectorate, it was small and isolated. Since then, the population has skyrocketed to over 4 million people, with many, many more in cities like New York and Miami. Indeed, some consider it a mistake that our federal government has so amply funded the Latino lifestyle of sexual antics. Warm weather, beautiful beaches and a reliable stream of federal government welfare has all but insured that Peurto Ricans will devote most of their time to erotic exploits. In the end, this begs the question of whether we should reward the PRs inability to practice sexual self-control with an outsized presence in Washington, D.C.

Barack Obama and the Democrat Party have both stated publicly that they fully support Peurto Rican statehood. The next step is for Congress to approve the measure and even some Republicans have said they’re on board. If it becomes law, the changes will be immediate. For Peurto Ricans, statehood allows them access to vast new resources of federal funds at a time when America is ill-prepared to take on millions of welfare-dependents. Most important, PR will receive between 6 and 7 seats in the House of Representatives. Because of the fixed number of representative allowed in Congress, other states would have to give up those 6 or 7 seats to make room for the Latinos. The island would also be granted two seats in the Senate, raising our total number there from a nicely even 100 to 102. This would be a bonanza for the liberals.

Ultimately, we need to question whether the rampant corruption and sexual debauchery of Peurto Rico makes their people fit to serve in our Congress. United States Senators have always embodied a strong moral compass and a righteous vision. Would that be compromised with the inclusion of these bossy island people? What language would their Congressmen speak in Washington? Would we need to make provisions for translators and expensive audio equipment to accommodate those who refuse to learn America’s true native tongue?
Orden de cambio Crazypuertoricanlady-300x264
Finally– and this may seem like a minor point but it is a hugely significant one– what about our flag? The American flag, Old Glory, is one of the greatest symbols mankind has ever known. For struggling peoples across the globe it represents freedom and justice. With the Peurto Ricans joining the fold, we’ll need to add another star. Yet the 50 stars we now have are perfectly even and harmonious. That beautiful harmony represents the balance of morality and decency in America today. The red symbolizes both the blood of our troops and the blood of Christ. The blue background celebrates the Rule of Law so necessary in our states. Altogether, our flag is an amazing icon of American greatness yet the Peurto Ricans want to mess that up. Where will their little star go? The end result is sure to be crazy, disruptive and totally unsatisfying… much like the addition of the island itself into our nation’s fold.

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Mensaje por MarlboroMan(aka Lexus) Mar Nov 20, 2012 10:26 am

Quien es Stephenson Billings?...Peurto Ricans?....JAJAJAJA!..............y porque le das importancia a su opinion para sus 15 minutos de atencion?........endito Obatala, ese es tu mejor caso para vender tu republica y renunciar la cuidadania de los EEUU?........LMAO!

Porque no vas al website del KKK y repites los que ellos piensan de Negros, homosexuales, catolicos, judios, minorias y mujeres.

Que bonito es la libre expresion en los EEUU, puedes decir lo que te de la gana y algunos lo cojen en serio como tu Obatala.......LOL

MarlboroMan(aka Lexus)
MarlboroMan(aka Lexus)

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Mensaje por Obatala Mar Nov 20, 2012 11:23 am

Hay mas, pero este me parecio excelente para poner de sombrerito a ustedes...

Arrastrate Pitiyanki...

BTW, hize una busqueda y encontre al tal Napo... Tal parece que te dejo sangrando por la herida...

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Mensaje por MarlboroMan(aka Lexus) Mar Nov 20, 2012 12:09 pm

hicistes una busqueda y encontrastes a Napo????? a donde en el espejo o cafetin???? jajajaja.....por los menos ser original y cambia tu vocabulario de tercer tan obvio!!!!!...jajajaja

La vieja sabe que estas por aqui?.....tu sabes que ella es celosa con sus "clientes"(asi ella dice) ....jajajaja.......ya le pagastes la cuota mensual a la vieja? know she needs the money......ella es parte del 47%.....LMAO!

Espero que la vieja este reportando todas sus donaciones al I.R.S. y Taxachusetts que le dan para que se quede en la casa. Obama necesita el dinero.

Última edición por MarlboroMan(aka Lexus) el Mar Nov 20, 2012 6:40 pm, editado 2 veces
MarlboroMan(aka Lexus)
MarlboroMan(aka Lexus)

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Location : somewhere between the Mississippi River and Pacific Ocean

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Mensaje por Chemo Mar Nov 20, 2012 4:04 pm

Esto esta guenoooooo!!!!!...Bueno todavia no creo que Obatala sea ese otro forista de cafetin , pero ya mismo regreso con par de cositas , mis asuntos capitalistas me tienen ocupado , pero mientras tanto Lexus se hara cargo de la presa como siempre!!!....jajajajaja

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Mensaje por MarlboroMan(aka Lexus) Mar Nov 20, 2012 6:36 pm

o es napo o es su eco estudiante porque mira suena 100% como el, hasta de los Tainos...jajajaja

como quiera ya sabemos que esta en cafetin y es el mensajero y ya sabemos que son los mensajeros.....ya veo porque suena tanto como Napo.

MarlboroMan(aka Lexus)
MarlboroMan(aka Lexus)

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Location : somewhere between the Mississippi River and Pacific Ocean

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Orden de cambio Empty Re: Orden de cambio

Mensaje por Chemo Miér Nov 21, 2012 2:10 am

Obatala escribió:Mis arrastrados pitiyankis con mentalidad de "Welcome Mat" y autoestima de vidrio, una cosa es decir que ahi viene el lobo y otra es verlo llegar... Maxime cuando una buena cantidad de los gringos no desea agregar a su poblacion lo que perciben como una turba de vagos, borrachones, maricones, tecatos y bellacos... Ante tales injurias y desprecio, esperamos que a mas de un arrastrao le nazca un poquito de amor propio y de patria y mande pa'l carajo a las ideas imperialistas de la estadidad.

Loud, Crime-Infested and Endlessly Sassy: Is Puerto Rico Truly Ready to Become America’s 51st State?
by Stephenson Billings - on Nov 8th 2012

Amidst all the hoopla surrounding Barack Obama’s reelection Tuesday night, one occurrence has gone largely unnoticed. Yet it is dramatic political feat that could have far-reaching consequences for the future of the United States. The island territory of Peurto Rico has formally voted to become America’s 51st state. In true Peurto Rican fashion, it wasn’t really a request but rather a loud, bossy demand. This is the first time in the territory’s history that they’ve approved such a measure. In past referenda, they have actually expressed an interest in severing ties with the U.S. to become an independent sovereign nation.
Orden de cambio Puertoricanrampage-215x300
But who are the Peurto Ricans? Are they ready to become our nation’s newest state? And are we, as Americans, truly ready to make these colorful Spanish-speaking islanders part of our national fabric?

Peurto Rico is a lush Caribbean island that has been under United States protection for over 70 years as an “unincorporated territory.” It relies on the goodwill of America for its very existence. Being next door to communist Cuba, our military is essential for its survival. Having a massive crime and poverty rates, federally-funded welfare programs are vital for its needy. Much like Guam or the Virgin Islands, it was seen as a place that was too small and unreliable to govern itself independently. With utmost compassion, the American people made a commitment to care for the chaotic, reckless natives in this far-oft land for generations.

The Peurto Rican people are a confusing mix of black, Latino and aborigines (the Taino people). They have dark skin and are, on average, of shorter height than normal Americans. Their hair is worn in either short, kinky Afro style or straightened in long, luxuriant strands of black. They’re drawn to the bright colors of their island flag and most wear red clothing daily. “PRs,” as they like to be called, are a very musical people. In their cars, on the streets and in their homes, they listen to a constant stream of brassy, bassy ethnic songs at ear-splitting levels. Whether it’s fusion jazz or Latino hip-hop, one only need follow the loud thumping music to ferret out a group of PRs.

On a personal level, the Peurto Ricans can be quite cheerful and surprisingly talkative. Spanish is their native language, though many have a rudimentary grasp of English (particularly when it comes to words like “money,” “good times” and “back door”). If you engage a PR in conversation, it can literally take over an hour to extract yourself from their presence. Arguments are a favorite pastime. No matter what subject you’re talking about, they’re likely to get quite loud and throw up their arms while standing aggressively close. Their passionate nature can be ascribed to their Latino heritage, and their hypersexualized character comes from being a sheltered island people. Indeed, PRs often see arguments as foreplay before hardcore sexual intercourse.

The men preen for their erotic role in PR society with smooth, finely sculpted bodies and delicately soft skin. They prefer to walk the streets shirtless. The women are buxom and prone to bikini tops and tight jean shorts. Often, the girls are the aggressors pursuing males with shocking catcalls and heavy makeup. Intercourse between the two tends to involve a great deal of “dirty talk” followed by discussions of marriage (even between grunts and moans, the Peurto Ricans are world class talkers!). There is even a preponderance of homosexual male-on-male encounters among the men, in dark public bathrooms and on menacing jungle paths. These scenarios are sweaty and fast, with little affection after the fact.

The sexual component of Peurto Rico is an important factor for us to consider and has contributed to their interest in statehood. When the island first became an American protectorate, it was small and isolated. Since then, the population has skyrocketed to over 4 million people, with many, many more in cities like New York and Miami. Indeed, some consider it a mistake that our federal government has so amply funded the Latino lifestyle of sexual antics. Warm weather, beautiful beaches and a reliable stream of federal government welfare has all but insured that Peurto Ricans will devote most of their time to erotic exploits. In the end, this begs the question of whether we should reward the PRs inability to practice sexual self-control with an outsized presence in Washington, D.C.

Barack Obama and the Democrat Party have both stated publicly that they fully support Peurto Rican statehood. The next step is for Congress to approve the measure and even some Republicans have said they’re on board. If it becomes law, the changes will be immediate. For Peurto Ricans, statehood allows them access to vast new resources of federal funds at a time when America is ill-prepared to take on millions of welfare-dependents. Most important, PR will receive between 6 and 7 seats in the House of Representatives. Because of the fixed number of representative allowed in Congress, other states would have to give up those 6 or 7 seats to make room for the Latinos. The island would also be granted two seats in the Senate, raising our total number there from a nicely even 100 to 102. This would be a bonanza for the liberals.

Ultimately, we need to question whether the rampant corruption and sexual debauchery of Peurto Rico makes their people fit to serve in our Congress. United States Senators have always embodied a strong moral compass and a righteous vision. Would that be compromised with the inclusion of these bossy island people? What language would their Congressmen speak in Washington? Would we need to make provisions for translators and expensive audio equipment to accommodate those who refuse to learn America’s true native tongue?
Orden de cambio Crazypuertoricanlady-300x264
Finally– and this may seem like a minor point but it is a hugely significant one– what about our flag? The American flag, Old Glory, is one of the greatest symbols mankind has ever known. For struggling peoples across the globe it represents freedom and justice. With the Peurto Ricans joining the fold, we’ll need to add another star. Yet the 50 stars we now have are perfectly even and harmonious. That beautiful harmony represents the balance of morality and decency in America today. The red symbolizes both the blood of our troops and the blood of Christ. The blue background celebrates the Rule of Law so necessary in our states. Altogether, our flag is an amazing icon of American greatness yet the Peurto Ricans want to mess that up. Where will their little star go? The end result is sure to be crazy, disruptive and totally unsatisfying… much like the addition of the island itself into our nation’s fold.

Veamos quien es este Stephenson Billings!!!!...Resulta que este individuo es considerado un verdadero TROLL que en muchos sitios en internet hace opiniones azquerosas y casi todas sus opiniones tienen conotaciones sexuales , gaysivas y racistas...a este pendango de la vida y sin reputacion o credibilidad alguna es que OBATALA le da credito como si lo que dice este escombro humano tiene mas valor que el papel de baño que abanico mi ojete trasero durante la criolla boricua???

Blastr Falls for ‘Game of Thrones’ Troll on Christwire

01-06-12 • TV, WTF? Posted by Mark Poynter 14 Views

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It happens to the best of us. We’re all out there scouring the Internet for the Nerdiest news to bring to you readers out there. Heck, we even make some up sometimes to troll you NerdBastards on April Fools day. Well today it was Blastr’s turn to eat a little Internet troll crow. It sounds like just the kind of story to get all those Game of Thrones fans going, a Christian group wants to boycott Game of Thrones because . . . (drum roll please) . . .

“It will make teens depressed.”

(Cue rim shot)


That might have been the first clue, what teenager isn’t depressed? What really got me though was when I clicked over to the Christwire site and took a look at all the Game of Thrones pictures they had posted . . . it was fairly obvious that something was up. The subject matter and pictures made me hope they had made a video clip montage . . . so I could go “be in my bunk”. Well Blastr’s readers soon clued in Blastr on the slip up and Blastr posted the update below. I imagine the writers over at Christwire have had a good chuckle like the rest of us.

[UPDATE: As many of you have pointed out in the comments section below—we accepted as real a post on a satirical site that's the religious equivalent of The Onion. But we didn't want to take the posting down so you'd know that we knew we fell for it and that we're listening to what you have to say. Thanks for setting us straight!]

I would like to point out though that the READERS of Blastr are the true heroes of this story. Much like you NerdBastards, they not only read the story, they checked it out and gave feedback. Now I may get snippy with spelling Nazi’s sometimes but we all here at NerdBastards really do appreciate our readers taking an active interest in our site and writing. When I see a comment on an article I posted to the site or Facebook, I get a little thrill and sometimes giggle (like a man . . . not a school girl).

So below is the Blastr article, and you can go over to Christwire with this link to check out the original article.

We love Game of Thrones, but we’d be the first to admit that it’s not exactly a family-friendly program. It comes as no surprise that a Christian group is organizing a boycott of this very, very adult show, but among the usual reasons of sex, violence and magic, they also manage to take digs at the acting and the depressing low light … and even admit that they just can’t follow what’s going on.

This particular boycott stems from a feature written by Stephenson Billings on the ultraconservative website Christwire. The piece, entitled “12 Reasons to Boycott Game of Thrones in 2012,” begins by chastising HBO for promoting “sorcery, sexuality and socialism … to America’s young adults.” You know, as if this was a CW drama that just wound up on the wrong network.

“In essence, Game of Thrones is a poorly produced copy of Mel Gibson’s Braveheart with a dash of smut straight out of Hustler Magazine added to spice up the frustratingly complicated drama,” Billings writes. “It can be preachy and pretentious one moment, and decidedly X-rated the next. You will witness effeminate men having sex in bathtubs while speaking about dragons, dead bodies splayed out in satanic pentagrams in the snow and some of the most artificial acting ever broadcast on the small screen.”

And that’s just from the opening paragraphs. Billings goes on to outline 12 reasons why you shouldn’t tune in to the series. There are predictable digs at the sexuality of the show, “including incest and lesbianism,” and then a dig at witchcraft in which it becomes clear that Billings didn’t quite finish his research before writing the piece.

“Deadly potions and menacing spirits dominate the storyline, but there is no mention of Jesus despite the fact that His love was the backbone of wisdom in the Middle Ages.”

It’s probably not important to Billings or any of his readers that Game of Thrones is set in a separate and entirely fictional universe, not the Middle Ages, but it’s hard for fans like us not to notice glaring stuff like that. This is followed by a dig at the show’s extreme violence (of course), and then it gets personal as Billings goes after actress Emilia Clark, who co-stars on the show as Daenerys Targaryen.

“This pretty young girl unfortunately lacks the intellect or the sophistication to appear on prime time television. The producers seem to know this and require her to disrobe in every scene,” he wrote. “Her gentle, undeveloped teenage body does not evoke womanhood, but the innocence of a lost child, alone on the side of a highway and ripe for the picking.”

Well, never mind that—though she plays a teenager—Clarke herself is 24. It’s time to go after the Emmy-winning Peter Dinklage now, who has apparently become some kind of sodomy icon for kids.

“Children identify with Dinklage because of his small size and comical accent, but his obsession with anal penetration crosses the boundaries into pure propaganda. How many children will watch the little man and want to try his grunty thrusts at home?”

We would agree that it’s probably not a good idea to plop kids down in front of the TV when this particular program is on, but it’s not Dinklage’s fault that he’s small. And where’s this “comical accent”? Is Billings seeing this show and thinking of a Munchkin?

The dig at Dinklage is followed by more predictable ranting against homosexuality, drinking, paganism and a lack of positive role models on the show. Then it gets weird again, as Billings claims that the “dark cinematography” of the program will cause depression in teens.

“Many youth subculture groups, including Goths and Skinheads, prefer to inhabit the world of the night. In darkness they find convenient cover to master their addiction to drugs and sexual violence. Does Games of Thrones actively promote marijuana usage and rape? Should parents really sit idly by as we await the answer to this important question?”

Wait, did we just go from “dim lighting gives you the blues” to “dim lighting causes rape”? Yeah, it looks like we did.

But perhaps the most amusing bit of this lengthy diatribe against the show is reason number 10 on Billings’ list of 12, in which he basically admits that he didn’t know what was going on while he watched the show anyway, and spins this into a claim that HBO is secretly making the show too complicated for grownups because they really want to corrupt teenagers with its naughty naughtiness.

“Most parents will find the thick European accents of the actors confusing. The story, vamped up from the original book, is frustrating for its leaps of logic and implausible romantic scenes. The producers of Games seem to understand this and have crafted the series so that it intentionally turns away older viewers. Should we be suspicious that they have worked so hard to have some private alone time with America’s children?”

It’s understandable that an ultraconservative Christian would want to tell people not to watch this show. Billings is clearly not the intended audience. What’s more bizarre is that he has made the leap from thinking this show doesn’t jibe with his values to thinking this show isn’t for adults at all. Or maybe he just had trouble coming up with 12 whole reasons and he had to make some stuff up. Either way, do you think he’ll affect the season two ratings at all?

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Mensaje por Obatala Miér Nov 21, 2012 10:31 am

Lo mismo se puede decir del super-Republiquete de Pat Robertson...


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Mensaje por MarlboroMan(aka Lexus) Miér Nov 21, 2012 10:45 am

Si pero nadie aqui esta copy y pasting lo que dice Pat Robertson como peso sobre el estatus de Puerto Rico ......jajajaja endito!

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MarlboroMan(aka Lexus)

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Mensaje por Obatala Miér Nov 21, 2012 10:55 am

JA, ja, ja, ja... como te tengo... Respondiendo a lo que no es contigo...

Voy a ver si contacto a tu obsesion fatal... A ver si lo convenzo a que te venga a pegar con la chancleta.

Arrastrate pitiyankkki

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Mensaje por MarlboroMan(aka Lexus) Miér Nov 21, 2012 11:28 am vieja sabes que estas aqui?........jajajaja.....tu sabes que aqui no te puede defender ni tu esconderte bajo su falda.......jajajajaja

ya que eres el mensajero o el alcahuete de cafetin, dile HELLO y aqui estoy.......jajajajaja....cuando quieran.... jajajajaja
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Mensaje por Chemo Miér Nov 21, 2012 12:01 pm

Lexus tiene razon 100% , aqui se debate de tu a tu y sin ayuda , esto no como esos lugares donde tu le paga$$$ a la administracion de el foro pa que te protejan cuando te rompen el ojete trasero en los debates....Creo que Obatala pierde su tiempo pensando en que su idolo de el cafetin va a venir por aqui , como dije el tipo es guapo solo en su gallinero , aqui es un pendejo mas aunque alla tambien los es y alla no le van a dar permiso pa que pise este foro que sera su tumba final...jajajajajajaja

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Mensaje por MarlboroMan(aka Lexus) Miér Nov 21, 2012 12:25 pm

yo estoy aqui, en un foro neutral, que vengan aqui los espero..........aqui no te van a censurar ni amenazar como en cafetin cuando estan perdiendo el debate.

Que pena que esten usando un mensajero y no pueden venir aqui a decirmelo ellos mismos...cobardes hasta el final .....jajajaja.

Obatala es un clon malito de Napita, mira que se copia todo de el palabra por palabra...que original....jajajajaja....creo que se quien es Obatala en recuerdo, el unico alcahuete de Napita aparte de la vieja.....jajajaja
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Mensaje por Charlie319 Miér Nov 21, 2012 12:36 pm

Yo sigo diciendo que no es Napo. Napo tenia algo mas de recursos que este tipo. Perio es posible que sea algun emisario de la gran jefa india...

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Mensaje por MarlboroMan(aka Lexus) Miér Nov 21, 2012 1:39 pm

mega??????? jajajajaja
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Mensaje por Charlie319 Miér Nov 21, 2012 1:43 pm

Posiblemente, pero tampoco es asi. El odio al "caballo" ya se hubiera presentado con alguna referencia a Cerro Maravilla.

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Mensaje por MarlboroMan(aka Lexus) Miér Nov 21, 2012 1:48 pm

dale tiempo, ese tren nunca llega tarde.
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Mensaje por Charlie319 Miér Nov 21, 2012 2:05 pm

Esos dos mequetrefes no se atreven a salir de la sombra de su "hada madrina"... Lo mismo se puede decir de la turba populete que alli trinan a un solo tono.

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